Once you know the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis it’s important to know how to respond if someone is having a life-threatening allergic reaction. These reactions can happen very quickly and knowing how to use an Epi-Pen can truly save a life!
How To:
Step 1: Twist and pull Epi-Pen’s casing which will release both sides so you will be left with just the part you will inject into the person having an allergic reaction.
Step 2: You will see 2 yellow caps, take both of them off by pulling both away from the center of the Epi-Pen.
Step 3: Take the Epi-Pen and gently swing and push the red tip into the outer thigh of the person having an allergic reaction.
Step 4: Hold the Epi-Pen in place, red tip against the outer thigh, for 10 seconds.
Step 5: Massage the area you injected the Epi-Pen for 10 seconds.
Step 6: Call 911 and make arrangements to head to the hospital.
If you want to see an Epi-Pen in action check out this video!