Learning how to read ingredient labels can help save the life of someone who has food allergies! Follow these steps to help your friends with food allergies.
Step 1 – Contains
Ingredient labels will typically have a CONTAINS section where the top 9 allergens (milk, eggs, nuts, fish, crustaceans, shellfish, wheat, soy, and sesame) will be listed in their common name. This means if the product contains milk it must say “milk” and cannot say “whey.”
Step 2 – Warnings
Look for any warnings about cross contamination. Depending on the severity of the allergy some people will avoid foods that are processed in the same factory as the allergen. Ask your friends with food allergies what they’re comfortable with based on the severity of their food allergies. For me if a label says “made on equipment that process”, or “may contain” one of my allergens, I avoid it.
Step 3 – List
This step is extra important if someone has any food allergies outside of the top 9 allergens because they won’t be disclosed in the contains section. So for this step you want to carefully read each an every ingredient listed and make sure none of the allergens are present.
