I competed at the Miss California 2024 Centennial Celebration which is an Official State Organization of Miss America! I was able to compete after winning the title of Miss Culver City in February. I’ve been competing for two years and I wanted to share what I’ve learned!
My “Best”
I’ve always said that anytime I compete, I want to give 100% of what I have to give that day. Your “best” fluctuates and my goal is to give the best I am capable of on that day. I’m really proud that I was able to do that this year. I walked away from every single phase of competition feeling like I gave it my all. The peace I felt before and after every phase of competition was a real blessing and I’m very grateful that regardless of the outcome, I felt proud. I gave it my best, and that is exactly what I wanted to do.
It can be really easy to compare your performance to other women competing, to Titleholders who came before you, or even yourself competing in the past. But this comparison game gets you nowhere. It doesn’t matter if the last time you performed your talent felt better or if the woman who won last year did a certain pose for her evening gown. None of it matters. Because if you are constantly trying to be like someone else or another version of yourself, you are missing out on showing people who you are, right now, today. And that is the person who you need to show the world. Every bit of time, work and effort you have put in up until now has made you the woman you are. It’s so important to show people who that is. When I won my first Title I remember the Titleholder Retiring told me, “You have to show up as yourself, because if you don’t, the judges might be looking for you, and then you aren’t there.” That was the wisest piece of advice and something I try to remind myself of all the time. You are the only person who can be you.
I’m a dance major and have been judged on stage for quite a few years now. Being judged can push us to become a better version of ourselves and challenge us to aim higher. One thing I have learned over the years though, is that judges are people. They have opinions and perspectives based on their lives and the influences that have shaped them into the people they are. Sometimes a panel simply won’t see you as the woman for the job. That can be a really tough pill to swallow. But the important thing, is that they are just people too. Their opinions don’t change who you are. Lots of people in life will have lots of opinions about us, but what’s important to keep in mind is that an opinion doesn’t effect who you are, what you are capable of, and who you can become.
Why I Do It
I’ve been asked before why I keep competing. The truth is, it can be a really vulnerable experience to get on stage and be judged. It’s easy to let the opinions and comments of others morph into your own. But honestly, I have so much fun doing it. There is nothing like the Miss America Opportunity and California is a really special place to be. I have watched myself grow from the nervous eighteen year old girl I was and become a bold and confident twenty year old woman. I look at videos of myself speaking and the growth is so evident to me. I’ve made friends in the organization and had the privilege to watch us grow together. I continue to be apart of this organization because becoming the role model you once looked up to is a really special gift. I do it because it’s fun and I want to be a part of building my community.
The Truth
I’m not Miss California 2024, Kimberly Vernon is and she is going to be an incredible Titleholder and I can’t wait to watch her year. But I am Topanga Scherf, and I still have the ability to enact so much change in this world. Success nor failure defines you, it’s what you do after that will shape the legacy you leave.