Today was the first day of Miss America’s Teen Prelims and here’s everything you need to know!
Yesterday the delegates had their arrival ceremony and a fun filled night at Dave and Busters! Today they spent the day at Universal Orlando and have started getting all their fun gifts from sponsors.
All the ladies each got a Rebel Dream Bag and they are beyond sparkly! The delegates were saying they fit not just one, but 2 full size cans of hairspray. Now I’ve had some big bags before but none that would be so perfect for a competition week!
Delegates were also each gifted a Jovani dress for the opening number and I’m obsessed with these. The dresses definitely match the vibe of the week, GLAM! I was a little nervous to see how the dresses all looked on stage together since they’re different colors but I actually thought the colors complemented each other really well. They were living in this blue, purple color pallet that looked beautiful on stage.
Both the Miss and Teen Interviews are done which make up 30% of their score so officially over half of their scores are be complete! Congratulations to all the teen delegates for getting on the stage tonight and giving your best!! You all shined!
And HUGE Congrats to the Night 1 Preliminary Winners!
1st Fitness Award Hanley House Miss North Carolina’s Teen
2nd Fitness Award Natalie Poveda Miss Texas’s Teen
3rd Fitness Award Anna-Katherine Risalvato Miss Florida’s Teen
1st Evening Aubrey Bartmann Miss Oklahoma’s Teen
2nd Evening Hanley House Miss North Carolina’s Teen
3rd Evening Award Natalie Poveda Miss Texas’s Teen