I don’t know if it’s all the traveling my parents did with my siblings and I as kids or if it’s the love I have for getting my body moving thanks to dance, but something makes going on a 5.8 mile hike so fun.
This morning my two best friends and I planned to go on a hike, and honestly I woke up exhausted. The night before I was having an allergic reaction and had to take some Benadryl that put me right to sleep. Getting out of my bed this morning wasn’t something I wanted to do. But I did, because that’s what you do.
Before I knew it I was 2 miles into this beautiful hike by Laguna Beach. This hike was at Crystal Cove State Park (one of the few state parks I have now been to and my parents, the travelers they are, have not) and it was so beautiful. There’s a certain clarity that comes over the mind when you’re out in nature, keeping an eye out for snakes, getting your heart rate up and hiking with your two best friends. Suddenly the morning grogginess washed away and I was left with peace.
It’s moments like this I think about how easy it is to let the hustle and bustle of life stop us from enjoying the little things. Hikes like this remind me to slow down and get some perspective. The night before I had been angry about my allergic reaction. I was frustrated that I might have a new allergy and mad that I was having an allergic reaction to something that should have been safe. But something about hiking and completely exhausting yourself makes the frustration seem so much less important. I got perspective. See I might have had an allergic reaction, but I was okay. I’m blessed to have a body that can climb up mountains and support me through my many adventures. It’s hikes like these that remind me to slow down and thank God for the life I get to live. It’s true, allergic reactions are scary and they generally speaking suck. But, I wouldn’t trade away my allergies because it’s giving me such a unique perspective and I’ve learned to use my voice and advocate for others living with life threatening food allergies. That, is yet another blessing.
It’s easy to get caught up feeling frustrated with your circumstances or the outcome of something. But, it feels far better to choose to find the peace and the positive of it all. Sometimes that means going on a hike to reset. For me at least, it works like a charm.