One of my favorite ways to stay active is hiking and this last summer when I traveled with my parents I got to go on some pretty incredible hikes. One of my favorites was the Petroglyph Point Trail which was a 2.4-mile loop trail which features the park’s largest panel of writing on a rock. This was easily the hardest hike I’ve ever been on!
To give a little background on Mesa Verde, the Ancestral Pueblo people built communities for over 700 years on the mesas and actually in the cliffs. While at Mesa Verde National Park I got to learn about the evolution of the villages they would make from Pithouses to Single-story villages to Multi-story villages and then Cliff dwellings and late mesa top villages before they migrated! I would really encourage anyone exploring Colorado to put this on your list of places to visit. There is so much to learn and see and my description simply doesn’t do it justice.
Now I swear this hike was something out of a movie, I could actually see the remnants of walls and got to get so much closer to the cliff dwellings. (I also got to do the Cliff Palace tour after which is so cool because you get to go inside one of the cliff dwellings!! 10/10 would recommend!) My mom and I actually did this hike together and it was really nice to get some quality time with her to just talk when we weren’t trying to catch our breath!
This is exactly why I love hiking! There’s a chance to spend time with people and see some incredible views. On top of that you get to make great memories together. If you’re curious about hiking, find a buddy and go for it! Not every hike has to be super hard, start small and work your way up. The important part is that you’re getting out into nature and seeing the world!
