Today was the Miss America Talent portion of competition and it was showcased as Miss America’s Got Talent! Here’s everything you need to know!
The showcase highlighted the skills of all the delegates with 90 seconds of their talent. Some of the talents are more “traditional” like playing the piano, singing or dancing. But Miss America has expanded what qualifies as a talent in the competition to allow more women to showcase seemingly non-traditional talents. This is called a Her Story and allows delegates to have 90 seconds to talk about skills that aren’t easily translated to the stage like horseback riding or a chemistry experiment. This is has allowed so many more women to compete in the Miss America Organization and showcase their public speaking skills!
Congratulations to all the delegates for performing beautifully tonight! It can be scary to be vulnerable on stage in the talent portion of competition but it’s incredible to learn more about each delegate and their personalities through this phase of competition! That is officially the last 30% of their preliminary score and we are just 3 days away from finding out who our new Miss America will be!
Congratulations to the Miss Talent Preliminary Winners!!
1st Preliminary Talent Award Miss North Carolina
2nd Preliminary Talent Award Miss Maine
3rd Preliminary Talent Award Miss Michigan
Congratulations to the Teen Talent Preliminary Winners!!
1st Preliminary Talent Winner Miss Alabama’s Teen
2nd Preliminary Talent Winner Miss Kentucky’s Teen
3rd Preliminary Talent Winner Miss Florida’s Teen